what does low pressure over land and high pressure over water form?

A)a sea breeze C)global wind

B)a land breeze D)a front

My answer is A), am i right? if not please tell me why and your answer.

I think its A) as well. If you need to explain yourself go on sea breeze wikipedia and you will get some info. hope that helps! :)

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the basic concept behind this weather phenomenon. When air is heated, it expands, becomes less dense, and rises, leading to low pressure. Conversely, when air cools, it contracts, becomes more dense, and sinks, leading to high pressure.

In the given scenario, if there is low pressure over land and high pressure over water, it will result in the formation of a sea breeze. Here's an explanation of the sea breeze phenomenon and why it occurs:

During the day, the land heats up faster than water due to differences in their heat-absorbing capacities. As a result, the air over the land heats up quickly and rises, creating a region of low pressure. In contrast, the air over the cooler water remains relatively stable and creates a region of high pressure.

Since air always moves from areas of high pressure to low pressure, the cooler and denser air from the high-pressure region over the water starts flowing towards the low-pressure region over the land. This process creates a gentle breeze blowing from the sea towards the land, known as a sea breeze.

Now, let's analyze the answer choices:

A) A sea breeze: This option correctly describes the phenomenon of low pressure over land and high pressure over water resulting in a sea breeze. Therefore, your choice of A) is correct.

B) A land breeze: A land breeze occurs at night when the land cools down faster than the water, resulting in the opposite scenario. Therefore, this is not the correct answer for the given situation.

C) Global wind: Global winds refer to the large-scale wind patterns that circulate around the Earth due to variations in temperature. While global winds are influenced by pressure differences, they are not directly related to the specific scenario mentioned. Hence, this is not the correct answer.

D) A front: A front is a boundary area between two different air masses, typically associated with the passage of a weather system. However, the given scenario does not involve the interaction of two different air masses, so this is not the correct answer either.

In conclusion, your original answer of A) A sea breeze is correct based on the explanation provided.