43+126-_=101? Please help me.

43+126 = 169

169 - ? = 101
? = 68

So 43+126-68=101? Right

or wrong

Was my response right or wrong Steve?

right. Heck, man just type the numbers on your calculator to check it. Shouldn't have to ask me.

You kinda hurt m fellings I am only 7 years old and in 2nd grade you know.

Steve you will be banned the next time you do that.

Sure, I can help you solve the equation:

To find the value of the missing number, let's take it step by step:

Given Equation: 43 + 126 - _ = 101

Step 1: Combine the numbers that are known:
43 + 126 = 169

Step 2: Subtract the sum from the known total:
169 - _ = 101

Step 3: To find the missing number, subtract 101 from 169:
169 - 101 = 68

Therefore, the missing number is 68.

If you substitute 68 back into the equation, you'll see that 43 + 126 - 68 does indeed equal 101.

I hope this helps!