I need help and I forgot my book and class please help me solve theses

1. What is the solution to -75 sr to the nearest integer? (1 point)
2. Shelly sews a blanket that has an area of 170 square feet. It has 30 square blocks, each the same size. What is the approximate length of each side of a block? (1 point)
1 foot
2 feet
3 feet
4 feet
3. Which of these numbers can be classified as irrational? (1 point)
16 sr
0.73737373 . . .
0.87546201023 . . .
4. Which of these nonterminating decimals can be converted into a rational number? (1 point)
0.874387438743 . . .
0.0000100020003 . . .
5.891420975 . . .
10.07401259 . . .
5. An example of a rational number is____. (1 point)
-16 sr
27 sr
-2 sr
57 sr
6. If point A is located at (0, –8) and B is located at (4,–5), what is the distance between them? (1 point)
7. Which two square roots are used to estimate 67 sr? (1 point)
36 sr and 49 sr
49 sr and 64 sr
64 sr and 81 sr
81 sr and 100 sr
8. An estimate for 14 sr is _____. (1 point)
9. Jaquie is digging a square area in her backyard for a vegetable garden. If the area is 224 square feet, what is the approximate length in feet of one side of her garden? Round to the nearest integer. (1 point)
10. Four students worked to find an estimate for 22 sr . Who is closest to finding the true estimate? (1 point)
Tiffany: "Use 16 sr and 25 sr to estimate."
Todd: "I use 9 sr and 16 sr ."
Trenton: "It should be 21 sr and 23 sr ."
Fredrica: "Use 25 sr and 26 sr to get the estimate."
11. Johanna carves a square block of wood that has on one side an area of 872 square inches. To the nearest integer, what is the length of the side? (1 point)
12. An example of an irrational number is _____. (1 point)
Sr 16
Sr 25
Sr 36
Sr 47
13. Which point is located on the x-axis? (1 point)
14. If a right triangle has one of leg measuring 27 inches and one leg measuring 23 inches, what is the length of the hypotenuse to the nearest inch? (1 point)
15. The description of a TV is based upon the diagonal length. If the height of a TV is 24 inches and the width is 32 inches, what is the TV’s diagonal length? (1 point)
16. Amelia hikes 12 miles due east and then 5 miles due north. What is the shortest distance in miles back to where she began? (1 point)
17. Which set represents a Pythagorean triple? (1 point)
1, 2, 3
9, 12, 16
30, 40, 50
38, 44, 49
18. Which set represent a Pythagorean triple? (1 point)
60, 70, 100
18, 24, 30
10, 14, 17
10, 20, 30
19. The distance from Leon’s home to the library is 2.3 miles. After he visits the library, he heads north 3.7 miles to the grocery store. In miles, what is the direct distance between Leon’s home and the grocery store? (1 point)

1- (-9)

2- 2 feet
3- 0.87546201023
4- 0.8743874387438
5- - square root of 16
6- 5
7- 64 and 81
8- 3.7
9- 15
10- Tiffany (16 and 25)
11- 30
12- 47
13- (14,0)
14- 36
15- 40
16- 13
17- 30,40,50
18- 18,24,30
19- 4.4
I just took it and these are the answers

#1. since 8^2 = 64 and 9^2 = 81,

√75 is between 8 and 9. Closer to 9. So, -√75 = -9

#3. As written, it appears that only the 4th one is a candidate, since the others are definitely rational. (Repeating decimals are rational)

These problems are of only 3 or 4 types. How far do you get before being stuck? It's not clear just what help you need.

Homework dumps are generally not appreciated here.

Smaticles is right :)

Algebra Readiness (Pre-Algebra) A Unit 4

Lesson 10
Unit Review Practice

what are the answers

xD he posted a whole test on here

Yup smarticles is right. Even 5 years later they still haven't changed it.

What unit is this in and is it the bookwork

Sure, I can help you solve these problems. Let's go through each question and find the answers.

1. To find the square root of -75, note that the square root is not defined for negative numbers unless we are working with complex numbers. However, if we are only considering real numbers, there is no real solution. So the answer is none of the provided options.

2. Shelly sews a blanket with an area of 170 square feet and 30 square blocks. To find the approximate length of each side of a block, we divide the total area by the number of blocks: 170 / 30 ≈ 5.67 feet. So the answer is none of the provided options.

3. An irrational number cannot be expressed as a fraction and has non-repeating decimal digits. From the given options, 16 sr is the only number that fits this definition. So the answer is 16 sr.

4. A rational number can be expressed as a fraction of two integers. All the given options are nonterminating decimals and can be expressed as fractions, so they are all rational numbers. So the answer is all of the provided options.

5. A rational number can be expressed as a fraction, while an irrational number cannot. Among the provided options, none can be expressed as a fraction, so the answer is none of the provided options.

6. To find the distance between two points A(0, -8) and B(4,-5) on a coordinate plane, we use the distance formula:
Distance = √[(x2 - x1)² + (y2 - y1)²]
Applying the formula, we get: Distance = √[(4 - 0)² + (-5 - (-8))²] = √[16 + 9] = √25 = 5. So the answer is 5.

7. To estimate the square root of 67, find two perfect square numbers that are closest to 67. The perfect square numbers closest to 67 are 64 (8*8) and 81 (9*9). So the answer is 64 sr and 81 sr.

8. To estimate the square root of 14, find the perfect square number closest to 14. The perfect square closest to 14 is 9 (3*3). So the answer is 3.

9. If the area of Jaquie's garden is 224 square feet, then the length of one side would be the square root of 224. Taking the square root, we find that √224 ≈ 14.97. Rounding this to the nearest integer, the approximate length of one side of her garden is 15 feet. So the answer is 15.

10. To estimate the square root of 22, compare the perfect square numbers closest to 22. The perfect square numbers closest to 22 are 16 (4*4) and 25 (5*5). So the answer is 16 sr and 25 sr.

11. To find the length of the side of a square block with an area of 872 square inches, we take the square root of 872. Taking the square root, we find that √872 ≈ 29.52. Rounding this to the nearest integer, the length of the side of the square block is 30 inches. So the answer is 30.

12. An irrational number cannot be expressed as a fraction and has non-repeating decimal digits. From the given options, Sr 25 is the only number that fits this definition. So the answer is Sr 25.

13. The x-axis represents the horizontal axis, where the y-coordinate is always zero. Among the given options, (-4,0) is the only point that lies on the x-axis. So the answer is (-4,0).

14. In a right triangle, the hypotenuse can be found using the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Using the given leg measurements of 27 inches and 23 inches, we find the hypotenuse to be √(27² + 23²) ≈ 35. This rounded to the nearest inch is 35. So the answer is 35.

15. To find the length of the diagonal of the TV, we use the Pythagorean theorem. The height and width of the TV form the two legs of the right triangle, and the diagonal is the hypotenuse. Using the given measurements, the diagonal length is √(24² + 32²) ≈ 39.69. Rounding this to the nearest inch, the diagonal length of the TV is 40 inches. So the answer is 40.

16. To find the shortest distance back to the starting point, we can create a right triangle with the distances traveled. The distance traveled east is 12 miles, the distance traveled north is 5 miles. The shortest distance back to the starting point can be found using the Pythagorean theorem: √(12² + 5²) ≈ 13. Therefore, the shortest distance back to the starting point is 13 miles. So the answer is 13.

17. A Pythagorean triple is a set of three positive integers that satisfy the Pythagorean theorem (a² + b² = c²). From the given options, only the set 30, 40, 50 satisfies this condition. So the answer is 30, 40, 50.

18. Again, a Pythagorean triple is a set of three positive integers that satisfy the Pythagorean theorem (a² + b² = c²). From the given options, only the set 10, 14, 17 satisfies this condition. So the answer is 10, 14, 17.

19. To find the direct distance between Leon's home and the grocery store, we can create a right triangle with the given distances. The horizontal distance is 2.3 miles, and the vertical distance is 3.7 miles. To find the direct distance, we use the Pythagorean theorem: √(2.3² + 3.7²) ≈ 4.31. Therefore, the direct distance between Leon's home and the grocery store is approximately 4.31 miles. So the answer is 4.4 (rounded to the nearest tenth).