Select the sentence with the correct capitalization.

A) Most radiology departments are hectic.
B) Most Radiology Departments are hectic.
C) Most Radiology departments are hectic.

I answered A

I agree.

Actually, the correct answer is C) Most Radiology departments are hectic.

To determine the correct capitalization in this case, you need to consider the rules for capitalizing department names. In general, lowercase is used for common nouns like "departments," but proper nouns like "Radiology" are capitalized.

In this sentence, "Radiology" is a proper noun as it specifically refers to a particular department. Therefore, it should be capitalized. However, "departments" is a common noun and does not need to be capitalized.

So, option C is the correct choice because it adheres to the rules of capitalization by capitalizing "Radiology" and leaving "departments" in lowercase.