Teen Moms: Aren’t Ready

Did you know that three out of ten teen girls in the U.S. will get pregnant at least once at the age of nineteen or younger, so if you totaled that up, it is about 750,000 pregnancies each year? Ninety-percent of teenagers won’t use some form of protection (Atwood). Wow, very disappointing! I strongly disagree with teenagers getting pregnant at a young age. There are many reasons teens shouldn’t become pregnant. Some of the reasons are they are too immature to handle the responsibility of raising a baby, they negatively affect their schooling, and family and friends starts disowning the teen.
One reason is immaturity. Most teens haven’t matured to become responsible parents, yet. One reason is the lack of ability to care for a child. Some girls don’t have jobs at their age and depend on their parents to help them provide for their child, but parents aren’t going to be there forever. Also, money is needed to provide for the child and the teen as well. One can’t go through life raising a child on thin air. A child shouldn’t have to grow up unstrong and unhealthy. That’s why you need money to help raise a child. About 460,000 young teens live in poverty due to not taking care of child properly (Connolly).
Schooling becomes the second reason for teenage girls not to become pregnant. For example, parenthood is a reason 70% teen girls drop out of school (Mangel). Many teens can’t handle work, classes, and a baby, they pick the baby to raise and ignore their education. In some schools and colleges, there is a daycare, so you can still get an education while someone else is watching your child. That’s not the point! You have a future ahead in your life, like graduating from high school with a diploma, and moving on to college, graduating with a degree. Then you can settle down, get married, and have children. You can’t balance taking care of a baby and studies because it’s stressful and you get mentally unstable to handle all that pressure. Lastly, young teens that are pregnant don’t have time for parties, dances, and basketball or other games. You are left at home taking care of your baby.
Teens will become lonely is the last reason for teens shouldn’t become pregnant. Many parents disown their children when they get pregnant. Most parents feel terrible and feel like you failed them as a teen. Your parents regret letting you have fun as a teen such as: throwing parties, going out with friends, being home alone. Also, your parents may feel embarrassed and feel like being around their pregnant daughter affects their status. They will think how could have my daughter done something like that. Lastly, if you don’t get pregnant, you won’t have to worry about losing family and friends. You will still be a young teen growing into a smart, young woman.
Lastly, you see these shows like Teen Mom, 16 & Pregnant, and The Secret Life of the American Teenager. What is this showing to young women who watch these shows? It’s showing young women who are pregnant and what they have to go through in parenthood. Some of those girls go through problems with relationships, being alone, money issues, and school and work issues, meanwhile learning to take care of themselves and their baby. Also, teaches parents how to handle their teen’s pregnancy by having open conversation and being there for your daughter, even though it’s hard. Those shows were meant to prevent unplanned teen pregnancies. Pregnancy is not a field you should be heading towards in life. Plus, half of those teens on those shows probably regret and feels neglected by being pregnant.
To sum this up, I disagree with teen pregnancy as a young teen, myself. I look and see young girls carrying babies on their waist and that disappoints me. I say to myself, “What is the world coming to?” Don’t feel the need to be pregnant, because you friends are. I admit babies are cute, fun to be around, but they also want all your time and attention. Honestly, some teens have better things to do instead of changing diapers and raising a baby. Teen pregnancy is life-changing and serious; don’t mess up your life raising a baby at a young age.

Teen pregnancy is a complex issue with many factors and consequences. It is important to consider the reasons why teens shouldn't become pregnant, such as immaturity, negative impact on schooling, and potential disownment by family and friends. Understanding these reasons can help us address the issue and prevent unplanned teen pregnancies.

One reason why teens shouldn't become parents at a young age is their immaturity. Teenagers, by nature, are still developing emotionally, mentally, and financially. They may not have the necessary skills and resources to care for a child. Many teens rely on their parents for support, but parents won't always be able to provide for them. Raising a child requires financial stability, and without it, both the child and the teen may suffer in terms of their well-being.

Schooling is another important factor to consider. Parenthood often causes teenagers to drop out of school. Balancing the responsibilities of raising a child, attending classes, and maintaining a job can be overwhelming for many teens. While some schools or colleges may offer daycare services, it can still be challenging to prioritize education when there are immediate needs and demands from a baby. Graduating from high school, pursuing higher education, and building a successful future can be hindered by early parenthood.

Furthermore, teen pregnancy can lead to isolation and strained relationships with family and friends. Some parents may disapprove or feel let down when their teenager becomes pregnant. This can result in disownment or strained relationships between the teen and the people who were once close to them. Teenagers may lose the support and guidance they need during a critical time in their lives. Feeling lonely and unsupported adds additional emotional stress to the already difficult task of raising a child.

Media portrayals of teen pregnancy, such as reality TV shows like Teen Mom, can also influence perceptions and choices. While these shows may aim to educate and discourage unplanned pregnancies, they can also inadvertently glamorize or normalize teenage parenthood. It's important for young women to be aware of the realities and challenges of parenthood portrayed in these shows, rather than seeing it as an attractive lifestyle choice.

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a serious and life-changing decision. It is crucial to be aware of the potential negative impacts on the parents' emotional, educational, and social development. Preventing teen pregnancy involves providing comprehensive sex education, access to contraceptives, and fostering a supportive environment for teenagers to make informed choices about their reproductive health.