Can somone check this for me.

Directions: Identify the property that is used.

(1) 5+(6+7)=5+(7+6)

My answer: The commutative property of addition
(2) 4 x(3+2)=(3+2) x 4

My answer. The communtaive property of multiplication

right on both.

Choose the property that is illustrated by the following: If 3x = 15, then x = 5.

Yes, you are correct. Both (1) and (2) use the commutative property.

To verify this, let's break it down step by step:

(1) For the equation 5 + (6 + 7) = 5 + (7 + 6), we can simplify the expressions within the parentheses:
5 + (6 + 7) becomes 5 + 13
5 + (7 + 6) becomes 5 + 13

Since both simplified expressions yield the same result of 18, we can say that the order of addition does not affect the final outcome. This demonstrates the commutative property of addition.

(2) For the equation 4 x (3 + 2) = (3 + 2) x 4, we can again simplify the expressions within the parentheses:
4 x (3 + 2) becomes 4 x 5
(3 + 2) x 4 becomes 5 x 4

Again, both simplified expressions yield the same result of 20, indicating that the order of multiplication does not affect the final outcome. This demonstrates the commutative property of multiplication.

Therefore, your answers of the commutative property of addition for the first statement and the commutative property of multiplication for the second statement are correct.