bill and ted combined age is 40. Eight years ago, bill was 2 years younger than ted is now. how old is bill now?


b-8 = t-2

t+6 + t = 40
2t = 34
t = 17

Ted is 17
Bill is 23

23-8 = 17-2


To find the current age of Bill, let's break down the problem into steps:

1. Let's assume Bill's current age is B, and Ted's current age is T.
2. We are given that the sum of their ages is 40: B + T = 40.
3. We are also given that eight years ago, Bill was 2 years younger than Ted is now. This can be expressed as: B - 8 = T - 2.
4. Simplify equation (3) by adding 8 to both sides: B - 8 + 8 = T - 2 + 8, which becomes B = T + 6.
5. Substitute equation (4) into equation (2): T + 6 + T = 40.
6. Combine like terms: 2T + 6 = 40.
7. Subtract 6 from both sides: 2T + 6 - 6 = 40 - 6, which becomes 2T = 34.
8. Divide both sides by 2: 2T / 2 = 34 / 2, which becomes T = 17.
9. Now we have the value of T, Ted's current age. Substitute T = 17 into equation (4) to find Bill's age: B = 17 + 6.
10. Simplify equation (9): B = 23.

Therefore, Bill is currently 23 years old.