add and subtract unlike fractions 3 over 50

To add or subtract unlike fractions, follow these steps:

Step 1: Find a common denominator. A common denominator is a number that can be divided evenly by the denominators of both fractions.

In this case, let's consider the fraction 3/50. Since the denominators are unlike, we need to find a common denominator.

Step 2: Determine the common denominator. To find the common denominator, look for the smallest number that both 50 and the other denominator (let's call it 'd') can both divide evenly. In this case, the smallest number that 50 and 'd' can both divide evenly is their product, 50 × 'd'.

Step 3: Rewrite the fractions with the common denominator. To do this, multiply the numerator and denominator of each fraction by the same value so that the denominators become equal to the common denominator found in Step 2.

In this case, the fraction 3/50 already has a denominator of 50, which is the common denominator.

Step 4: Perform the addition or subtraction. Once the fractions have the same denominator, you can now simply add or subtract the numerators.

For example, if you want to add 3/50 to another fraction, let's say 1/4, you need to make both fractions have the same denominator. Multiply the numerator and denominator of 1/4 by 50, so it becomes 50/200.

Now you can add the fractions: 3/50 + 50/200.
After finding the common denominator, add the numerators together while keeping the denominator the same: 3/50 + 50/200 = (3 + 50)/200 = 53/200.

And that's how you add or subtract unlike fractions. Remember to simplify the fraction if necessary.