Lake Huron is 206 miles long. Lake Superior is 350 moles long. Anastasia estimates that Lake Superior is about 140 miles longer than Lake Huron. Is Anastasia estimate reasonable? Explain why or why not.

What do you think? Why?

i think yes because 350-206 equals 140

To determine if Anastasia's estimate that Lake Superior is about 140 miles longer than Lake Huron is reasonable, we can compare the actual lengths of the two lakes.

Given information:
- Lake Huron is 206 miles long.
- Lake Superior is 350 miles long.

To find the difference in lengths between the two lakes, we subtract the length of Lake Huron from the length of Lake Superior:

350 miles - 206 miles = 144 miles

The actual difference in length between Lake Superior and Lake Huron is 144 miles, which is very close to Anastasia's estimate of 140 miles. Therefore, we can conclude that Anastasia's estimate is reasonable.

To determine the reasonableness of Anastasia's estimate, we used the actual lengths of the lakes and compared them. This method allows us to check the accuracy of an estimate by using concrete data.