Ryan collected 43 candy bars on Halloween he gave 15 of them to his father andhe gave his mother ten less candy bars than he gave his father. Then Ryan ate 4 of the candy bars

. Hwo many Andy bars does he have left ?
I got 19

I agree.


He got diabetes

To find out how many candy bars Ryan has left, we can subtract the number of candy bars he gave to his father, the number he gave to his mother, and the number he ate from the total number of candy bars he collected.

Ryan collected 43 candy bars.
He gave 15 candy bars to his father.
He gave his mother 10 less candy bars than his father, so he gave her 15 - 10 = 5 candy bars.
He ate 4 candy bars.

To calculate how many candy bars Ryan has left, we can subtract all these quantities from the initial number of candy bars he collected:

43 - 15 - 5 - 4 = 19

Therefore, Ryan has 19 candy bars left. You got the correct answer!