john who lives at 35 degrees north and 120 degrees west regularly calls Geroge his business partnet at 2pm (John's local time) every day during July last year. George regularly recevied the calls at 10 pm ( his local time). throughout the month, George reported that the maximum diurnal temperature in his station (location) was never below 75 degrees F and the minimum dirunal temperature never below 70 degrees F.

a. on what longitude was George located in July?

Since there are 24 hours in 360°, each 1-hour time zone spans 15° of longitude.

George is 8 hours east of John, or 120° east of 120° west: 0°.

Not sure what the temperature has to do with it, but I'm sure that somewhere within 7.5° of the Greenwich Meridian you'll find those values.

Seems like a rather vague question to pose.

To determine the longitude where George was located in July, we need to consider the time difference between John's location (35 degrees north and 120 degrees west) and George's location.

Since John regularly called George at 2 pm local time, and George received the calls at 10 pm local time, there is an 8-hour time difference between them. This time difference indicates that George is located in a time zone that is 8 hours ahead of John's time zone.

To find the longitude corresponding to this time difference, we need to consider that each hour of time difference is equivalent to 15 degrees of longitude. So, the time difference of 8 hours corresponds to 8 x 15 = 120 degrees of longitude.

Since John's location is at 120 degrees west, and we need to add 120 degrees of longitude to find George's location, we can do the following calculation:

120 degrees west (John's location) + 120 degrees (time difference) = 240 degrees west

Therefore, George is located at 240 degrees west longitude in July.