Rahul's father is 3times as old as rahul.four year ago,his father was 4times as old as rahul.how old is rahul?

Ans is 12yrs

i did this question a very long time ago but i kind of rember it and i think the answer is 12 but im not sure sorry

Cn u tell me soltn all my qustn..

Thanx a lot steve sir..

Rohan father is 3 times as old as Rahul 4 year ago father was 4 times as old as Rahul how old is

To find Rahul's age, let's assume Rahul's current age as 'x' years.

According to the given information, Rahul's father is 3 times as old as Rahul. So, his father's current age would be 3x years.

Four years ago, Rahul's age would have been x-4 years, and his father's age would have been 3x-4 years.

According to the second information, Rahul's father was four times as old as Rahul four years ago. So we can set up the equation:

3x - 4 = 4(x - 4)

Let's solve this equation to find Rahul's age:

3x - 4 = 4x - 16

4x - 3x = 16 - 4

x = 12

Therefore, Rahul is currently 12 years old.

If the father is age f and the son age s,

f = 3s
(f-4) = 4(s-4)
3s-4 = 4s-16
s = 12

so, son is 12, father is 36.
4 years ago, son was 8, father was 32.