Choose the correct vocabulary word for the following sentence:

“We know the stranger came from a distance because of the _______ he spoke.” (1 point)
figurative language



Thank you.... :)

The answer is dialect i took the same quiz!

You are correct! The correct vocabulary word for the given sentence is "dialect."

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of the three words provided as options: criteria, figurative language, and dialect.

- Criteria refers to a set of standards or rules used to evaluate or judge something.
- Figurative language is the use of words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. Examples of figurative language include metaphors, similes, and idioms.
- Dialect, on the other hand, refers to a particular form of a language that is spoken in a specific region or group of people. It includes variations in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.

In the given sentence, the clue is that "the stranger came from a distance." This suggests that the stranger may have spoken in a different way than the locals, possibly indicating that he spoke in a distinct regional or group-specific language or manner. This matches the definition of dialect.

Therefore, dialect is the correct answer for the sentence, "We know the stranger came from a distance because of the _______ he spoke."