Ms.Lecky ordered pizza for a party. 1 5/8 of the cheese pizzas and 2/3 of the ham pizza were not eaten. How much pizza was left?

1 5/8 + 2/3

1 15/24 + 16/24 = 1 31/24 = 2 7/24

3 24/24 - 2 7/24 = _______ left

To find out how much pizza was left, we need to subtract the amount that was not eaten from the total amount of pizza.

First, let's calculate the amount of cheese pizza that was not eaten. Ms. Lecky ordered 1 5/8 (or 13/8) of the cheese pizza and 2/3 of the ham pizza.

To find out how much cheese pizza was not eaten, we can subtract 13/8 from the total amount of cheese pizza.

So, the total amount of cheese pizza that was not eaten is: Total cheese pizza - 13/8

Now, let's calculate the amount of ham pizza that was not eaten. Ms. Lecky ordered 2/3 of the ham pizza.

To find out how much ham pizza was not eaten, we can subtract 2/3 from the total amount of ham pizza.

So, the total amount of ham pizza that was not eaten is: Total ham pizza - 2/3

Finally, let's add the amount of uneaten cheese pizza and uneaten ham pizza to find out how much pizza was left.

Total pizza left = uneaten cheese pizza + uneaten ham pizza

I will need the total amount of cheese pizza and ham pizza to calculate the final answer.

To find out how much pizza was left, we need to subtract the amount that was not eaten from the total amount of pizza Ms. Lecky ordered. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Let's first calculate the amount of cheese pizzas that were not eaten. Ms. Lecky ordered 1 5/8 cheese pizzas, and since 1 whole pizza is equal to 8/8, we need to convert 1 5/8 into an improper fraction.
5/8 + 1 = 13/8
So, 1 5/8 is equal to 13/8.

2. Next, let's calculate the amount of ham pizza that was not eaten. Ms. Lecky ordered 2/3 of a ham pizza.

3. Now, we need to find a common denominator to subtract these fractions. The common denominator of 8 and 3 is 24.

4. Convert both fractions to have a denominator of 24:
Cheese pizza not eaten = 13/8 * 3/3 = 39/24
Ham pizza not eaten = 2/3 * 8/8 = 16/24

5. Subtract the fractions:
Total pizza not eaten = 39/24 + 16/24 = 55/24

6. Now, let's convert this back into mixed numbers. Divide the numerator (55) by the denominator (24):
55 ÷ 24 = 2 with a remainder of 7.

So, there were 2 whole pizzas and 7/24 of a pizza left.

Alternatively, we can convert the improper fraction (55/24) back to a mixed number by dividing and finding the remainder:
55 ÷ 24 = 2 remainder 7
Therefore, the mixed number is 2 7/24.

So, Ms. Lecky had 2 7/24 (or 2 pizzas and 7/24 of another pizza) left after the party.