Similarities between The Storm by Mcknight & Once upon a time by Nadine Gordimer?

To find the similarities between the two short stories, "The Storm" by Amy McKnight and "Once upon a time" by Nadine Gordimer, you will need to carefully analyze the themes, character traits, settings, and plot elements in each story. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Read and understand both stories: Begin by reading and familiarizing yourself with the content of both "The Storm" and "Once upon a time." Take notes on important elements such as the characters, the settings, and the events that take place.

2. Identify the themes: Consider the overarching themes explored in each story. Look for common themes such as love, relationships, social issues, or personal growth. Are there any similar messages or ideas conveyed through the stories?

3. Analyze the characters: Pay attention to the central characters in each story. Examine their personalities, motivations, and behaviors. Do any of the characters share similar traits or undergo similar changes throughout the narratives?

4. Compare the settings: Consider the environments in which the stories take place. Is there any overlap in terms of time period, location, or societal backdrop? Compare how the settings contribute to the overall atmosphere in each story.

5. Evaluate the plot elements: Analyze the key events and conflicts in both stories. Look for any common plot elements, such as a climax, resolution, or the development of a problem. Are there any significant narrative or structural similarities?

6. Reflect on the authors' styles: Consider the writing styles and techniques used by Amy McKnight and Nadine Gordimer. Do they employ similar literary devices or narrative techniques that contribute to the similarities between the stories?

7. Find the commonalities: Based on your analysis of themes, characters, settings, and plot elements, make connections between the two stories. Look for shared elements or similarities that emerge from your observations.

It's important to note that the similarities between these two stories will depend on the actual content and context of each. The process outlined above will help you critically examine the stories and draw comparisons, ultimately highlighting any commonalities you find.