There were 72 visitors to a website in an hour. This is 14 more visitors than in the previous hour. Write an equation to find the number of visitors to the website in the previous hour.

To find the number of visitors to the website in the previous hour, let's use the variable "x" to represent the number of visitors in the previous hour.

The problem states that there were 14 fewer visitors in the previous hour. Therefore, the equation can be set up as follows:

x + 14 = 72

In this equation, "x" represents the number of visitors in the previous hour (which we want to find), and 72 represents the total number of visitors in the current hour.

To solve this equation and find the value of "x," subtract 14 from both sides of the equation:

x + 14 - 14 = 72 - 14

Simplifying this equation gives:

x = 58

Therefore, there were 58 visitors to the website in the previous hour.