tulips are planted every four feet on a rectangle the sides are 16 feet and 12 feet how many tulips are there?

To find out how many tulips are planted, we first need to calculate the area of the rectangle. The formula to find the area of a rectangle is length × width.

Given the dimensions of the rectangle, where the length is 16 feet and the width is 12 feet, we can calculate the area as follows:

Area = Length × Width
Area = 16 feet × 12 feet
Area = 192 square feet

Now, since we are told that tulips are planted every four feet, we can calculate the number of tulips by dividing the area of the rectangle by the area per tulip.

Number of tulips = Area of rectangle ÷ Area per tulip

Given that tulips are planted every four feet, their area per tulip would be 4 square feet.

Number of tulips = 192 square feet ÷ 4 square feet
Number of tulips = 48 tulips

Therefore, there are 48 tulips planted in the given rectangular area.