I helping my friend to make personal website of like 10 pages. do anyone know any url of websites that have good design? my friend use it to get better idea.

You may find some useful ideas here.


thanks very much ms. sue :)

You're very welcome, Mohammad.

Certainly! If your friend is looking for inspiration and ideas for a well-designed personal website, there are a few options you can explore:

1. Awwwards (https://www.awwwards.com): Awwwards showcases websites with exceptional design, creativity, and user experience. Your friend can browse through their collection and get inspiration from award-winning websites.

2. Dribbble (https://dribbble.com): Dribbble is a platform where designers showcase their work. It's a great place to find website designs, user interface (UI) elements, and overall design inspiration. Your friend can search for "personal websites" or related keywords to find examples that align with their vision.

3. Behance (https://www.behance.net): Behance is another platform where designers showcase their work. It covers a wide range of design styles and categories, including web design. Your friend can browse through different profiles and projects to find personal website designs they like.

4. Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com): Pinterest has a vast collection of design inspiration, including personal website designs. Your friend can search for keywords like "personal website design," "website layout," or "web design inspiration" to discover various ideas and examples.

Remember, the goal is not to copy designs but rather to gather inspiration and adapt elements that resonate with your friend's personal style and brand. Encourage them to explore these resources and create a unique website that represents their individual identity.