Some of my post are being erased, does that mean that im about to be banded? I didn't say anything bad.

Okay. Sorry

And also so do you know if Steve is still online?

If some of your posts are being erased, it is possible that you may be facing some moderation measures, but it is not guaranteed that you will be banned. Erased posts can sometimes be a result of various factors, including:

1. Moderation: Social media platforms often have community guidelines that users are expected to adhere to. If your posts are not in line with these guidelines, they may be deleted by moderators.
2. Technical Issues: Occasionally, technical glitches or bugs can lead to posts being accidentally removed or lost. These issues can often be resolved by contacting the platform's support team.
3. Automatic Filters: Social media platforms commonly employ automated filters to detect and remove certain types of content, such as spam or offensive language. If your posts trigger these filters, they may be deleted.
4. Reporting by Others: If other users report your posts for violations of the platform's rules, they may be subject to review and potential removal.

To determine whether you are about to be banned or if further action is being taken against you, it is essential to review the platform's terms of service and guidelines. Additionally, you can reach out to the platform's support team for further clarification on the situation.

You're not banned. I deleted a couple of posts because I didn't think they were pertinent.

The only way I know if Steve is online is to see if he's recently posted a response.