what is the force between two coaxially charged ring separated with distance 'd'?

radius of both ring = 'R'

The force between two coaxially charged rings can be calculated using Coulomb's law. Coulomb's law states that the force between two charged objects is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

To calculate the force between the two coaxially charged rings, we need to know the charges on the rings. Let's assume the charges on the two rings are q1 and q2, respectively.

The force can be calculated using the following formula:

F = (1 / 4πε₀) * (q1 * q2) / d²

where F is the force, ε₀ is the permittivity of free space (approximately 8.85 x 10⁻¹² C²/Nm²), q1 and q2 are the charges on the rings, and d is the distance between them.

So, to calculate the force between the two coaxially charged rings, you need to know the charges on both rings. Once you have the charges, you can plug them into the formula along with the value of ε₀ and the distance 'd' to calculate the force.