^440 squareroot (a+b)^440

my answer: |a+b|

add. squareroot 7a + 4 squareroot 28a^3

sqrt(7a) + 4 sqrt(28a^3)

=sqrt (7a) + 4 sqrt(4a^2*7a)
=sqrt(7a) + (4*2a)sqrt*7a)
= (1 + 8a) * sqrt(7a)

The meaning of what you wrote is unclear. If you meant the 440th root of (a+b)^440, then the answer is a + b. Since this is an even-numbered power,

-a-b is also an answer.

To simplify the expression ^440√(a+b)^440, you can start by recognizing that the exponent 440 is the same as raising the base (a+b) to the power of 440. Thus, the expression becomes:


The exponent simplifies to 1, so we are left with:


And since any number raised to the power of 1 is just itself, the answer to ^440√(a+b)^440 is simply (a+b).

Now, let's move on to simplifying the expression sqrt(7a) + 4sqrt(28a^3).

Since sqrt(7a) cannot be simplified any further, we can leave it as it is. However, sqrt(28a^3) can be simplified using the properties of exponents.

We can write 28a^3 as 4 * 7 * a^2 * a. Then, taking the square root of each term, we have:

sqrt(4) * sqrt(7) * sqrt(a^2) * sqrt(a)

Since sqrt(4) is 2 and sqrt(a^2) is a, the expression simplifies to:

2 * sqrt(7) * a * sqrt(a)

Combining like terms, we get:

2a * sqrt(7a) + 4sqrt(7a^3)

Therefore, the simplified expression is 2a * sqrt(7a) + 4sqrt(7a^3).