the speed of light is about 1.86 x 10^5 miles per second. find the speed of light in (a) km per second, (b) km/min, (c) m/h. (a mile is approximately 1.61 km.)

1 mile = 1.61 km

1.86x10^5 miles = 1.61(1.86x10^5) km
1.86x10^5 miles/sec = 2.99x10^5 km/sec

= 1.80 x 10^7 km/min ----> multiplied by 60
= 1.08 x 10^9 km/hour ---> multiplied by another 60

To find the speed of light in different units, we can use the conversion factor of 1 mile = 1.61 km.

(a) To find the speed of light in km per second, we need to multiply the given speed in miles per second by the conversion factor:

Speed of light in km per second = 1.86 × 10^5 miles per second × 1.61 km per mile
Speed of light in km per second ≈ 2.99 × 10^5 km per second

(b) To find the speed of light in km per minute, we can convert the speed in km per second to km per minute by multiplying by 60 (since there are 60 seconds in a minute):

Speed of light in km per minute = Speed of light in km per second × 60 seconds per minute
Speed of light in km per minute ≈ (2.99 × 10^5 km per second) × 60 minutes per second
Speed of light in km per minute ≈ 1.79 × 10^7 km per minute

(c) To find the speed of light in m per hour, we need to convert the speed in km per second to m per hour. First, convert km to m by multiplying by 1000, then convert seconds to hours by multiplying by 3600 (since there are 3600 seconds in an hour):

Speed of light in m per hour = Speed of light in km per second × 1000 m per km × 3600 seconds per hour
Speed of light in m per hour ≈ (2.99 × 10^5 km per second) × (1000 m per km) × (3600 seconds per hour)
Speed of light in m per hour ≈ 1.08 × 10^9 m per hour

Therefore, the speed of light is approximately:
(a) 2.99 × 10^5 km/s,
(b) 1.79 × 10^7 km/min, and
(c) 1.08 × 10^9 m/h.

To find the speed of light in different units, we need to convert the given value of 1.86 x 10^5 miles per second to the desired units. Let's proceed step by step:

(a) To find the speed of light in km per second:
We know that 1 mile is approximately equal to 1.61 km. So, we can convert miles to kilometers by multiplying the given speed in miles per second by 1.61.
Therefore, the speed of light in km per second is calculated as:
1.86 x 10^5 miles per second * 1.61 km per mile = 2.991 x 10^5 km per second.

(b) To find the speed of light in km per minute:
Since we already have the speed of light in km per second, we can convert it to km per minute by multiplying it by 60 (since there are 60 seconds in a minute).
Therefore, the speed of light in km per minute is calculated as:
2.991 x 10^5 km per second * 60 seconds per minute = 1.7946 x 10^7 km per minute.

(c) To find the speed of light in meters per hour:
First, we need to convert km to meters. There are 1000 meters in a kilometer. So, to convert the speed of light from km to meters per second, we multiply it by 1000.
After that, we should convert seconds to hours. Since there are 3600 seconds in an hour (60 seconds * 60 minutes), we divide the speed in meters by 3600.
Therefore, the speed of light in meters per hour is calculated as:
(2.991 x 10^5 km per second * 1000 meters per km) / 3600 seconds per hour = 8.30833333333 x 10^4 meters per hour.

In summary:
(a) The speed of light is approximately 2.991 x 10^5 km per second.
(b) The speed of light is approximately 1.7946 x 10^7 km per minute.
(c) The speed of light is approximately 8.30833333333 x 10^4 meters per hour.