a student uses the unduiluted glucose stock solution in a reaction and finds that the absorbance values over 90 seceonds are all 1.900. What does this result tell you abou the enzyme activity of glucose oxidase in this reaction after the 90 seconds time point?

Would it be because it's not a dulited solution that it has a high concentration and that means faster absorbution?

It tells you that the enzyme is all used up. And what do you mean about the absorbance being FASTER. Absorbance can be more or it can be less but it CAN'T be faster or slower.

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The absorbance values of 1.900 indicate that the reaction is proceeding at a relatively high rate and that the glucose oxidase enzyme is active. However, we cannot directly conclude that the high concentration of the undiluted solution is solely responsible for the higher absorbance values.

To understand the enzyme activity of glucose oxidase in this reaction, we need to consider a few factors. Firstly, glucose oxidase is an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of glucose to produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and gluconic acid. The reaction rate of the enzyme depends on various factors such as the enzyme concentration, temperature, pH, and substrate concentration.

In this case, using an undiluted glucose stock solution means that the glucose concentration is high. Higher substrate concentration generally leads to an increased reaction rate in enzyme-catalyzed reactions, up to a certain point. So, the high concentration of glucose may contribute to the observed high absorbance values by providing an abundant supply of substrate for the enzyme to act upon.

However, it is important to note that enzyme activity is not solely dependent on substrate concentration. Other factors like enzyme concentration and reaction conditions (temperature, pH) can also significantly affect the enzyme's performance. Therefore, while the high concentration of the undiluted glucose solution may contribute, it is not the sole determining factor for the observed absorbance values.

To further evaluate the enzyme activity, it would be necessary to perform additional experiments by varying different parameters like enzyme concentration, temperature, or pH to assess their impact on the absorbance values. This would provide more comprehensive insights into the enzyme kinetics and activity in this particular reaction.