what is the Sample Locality Age (Million years)in Granite: Scottish Highlands, Gabbro: Sudbury Canada and Gneiss: Greenland?

Granite 585

Gabbro 1843
Gneiss 3660



Granite- ?

Gabbro- 1751
Gneiss- 3502




Sample Locality Age (Million years)

Granite Scottish Highlands

Gabbro Sudburry, Canada

Gneiss Greenland

To find the sample locality age (in million years) for Granite in the Scottish Highlands, Gabbro in Sudbury, Canada, and Gneiss in Greenland, you would typically need to consult geological studies or scientific papers that provide this information. These studies involve the analysis of rock samples to determine their ages through various dating methods, such as radiometric dating.

Here's how you can find the desired information:

1. Start by performing an online search using keywords like "geological studies on Granite in Scottish Highlands," "Gabbro age in Sudbury Canada," and "Gneiss age in Greenland." This will help you locate relevant research papers, articles, or geological survey reports.

2. Look for reputable sources such as scientific journals, university websites, or government geological surveys. These sources generally provide more reliable and accurate information.

3. Once you have found relevant sources, read through the documents to evaluate the age information provided for each rock type. The age might be reported in the form of a range or a specific value, such as an average or multiple ages from different parts of the locality.

Keep in mind that these age estimates often come from extensive research and may have been refined over time. It's also important to be critical of the sources you find, ensuring they are backed by credible scientific evidence.

Since I don't have direct access to the internet or specific geological databases, I cannot provide you with the exact sample locality age for Granite in the Scottish Highlands, Gabbro in Sudbury Canada, and Gneiss in Greenland. However, following the steps I outlined should help you find the information you're looking for.