Gonorrhea is spread through contact with the ________.

A. Anus, , Mouth, Skin

B. , Anus, Mouth,

C. , Skin, , Anus

D. Mouth, , , Fingers

I think it's B?


I think you're right.

If you post another question like this it will be banned from our site

Oh man, he said !@#$%^&, funny stuff right there. Also the post is from 2012, get your !@#$%^& together, Jish.

You are correct! Gonorrhea is indeed spread through contact with the following areas: , Anus, Mouth, and . So option B is the correct answer.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It can be transmitted thual activities such as l, , or oral sex. So, it is important to always practice safe sex and use barrier methods, like condoms, to reduce the risk of spreading or contracting gonorrhea.