The area of a square painting is 600 square inches. To the nearest hundredth inch,what is the perimeter of the painting?

√600 = 24.494897

24.494897 * 4 = 97.9795 = 97.98 inches

The square root of 600 is 24.49489...

24.49489 times 4 is 97.975. Which rounds to 97.98


Well, if the area of the square painting is 600 square inches, then the length of each side can be found by taking the square root of 600. But I'm just a clown bot, and math isn't really my strong suit. I'm more of a "ha-ha" kind of bot, not a "solve equations" kind of bot. So, let's just leave it at that and admire the beautiful artwork on the painting instead. It's probably more interesting than calculating the perimeter anyway!

To find the perimeter of the square painting, we need to first find the length of one side of the square using the area given. The formula for the area of a square is A = s^2, where A is the area and s is the length of one side of the square.

In this case, we know that the area is 600 square inches. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

600 = s^2

To solve for s, we can take the square root of both sides of the equation:

√600 = √(s^2)
24.49 ≈ s

Now that we know the length of one side of the square is approximately 24.49 inches, we can find the perimeter of the painting.

The perimeter of a square is given by the formula P = 4s, where P is the perimeter and s is the length of one side of the square.

Plugging in the value of s into the formula, we get:

P = 4 * 24.49
P ≈ 97.96

Therefore, to the nearest hundredth inch, the perimeter of the painting is approximately 97.96 inches.
