How does the author support her view that the lunch period at Mountain Vista High School should be extended?

A. by explaining that many students are unable to eat lunch in the time left after waiting in long lines

B. by citing research showing that students who don’t eat lunch or who eat quickly cannot concentrate on their studies

C. by observing that many students are skipping lunch because they are not happy with the lunchroom staff's efficiency

D. by submitting a petition with signatures of 1,000 students and parents who share the writer's opinion

We haven't read the author's explanation.

How does the author support her view that the lunch period at Mountain Vista High School should be extended?


To find out how the author supports her view that the lunch period at Mountain Vista High School should be extended, we need to analyze the given options and look for evidence in the text. Let's examine each option:

A. The author supports her view by explaining that many students are unable to eat lunch in the time left after waiting in long lines. This suggests that the current lunch period is not sufficient for all students to get their meals.

B. The author supports her view by citing research showing that students who don't eat lunch or who eat quickly cannot concentrate on their studies. This indicates that a longer lunch period would promote better academic performance.

C. The author supports her view by observing that many students are skipping lunch because they are not happy with the lunchroom staff's efficiency. This implies that an extended lunch period could address issues with the efficiency of the lunchroom staff and improve students' overall dining experience.

D. The author supports her view by submitting a petition with signatures of 1,000 students and parents who share the writer's opinion. This demonstrates that a significant number of individuals in the school community believe that the lunch period should be extended.

From the given options, it can be concluded that options A, B, and C provide direct support for the author's view that the lunch period at Mountain Vista High School should be extended. Option D, while not directly supporting the view, does demonstrate a significant level of support from the school community. Therefore, the correct answer is D.