Use synthetic division to find (2x^3 - 5x^2 + 7x - 1).

_1|2 -5 7 -1
2 -3
2 -3 4|-1

2x^2 - 3x + 4(answer)

I had 3 at the very end where you have a -1

check your arithmetic.

Use synthetic division to find (2x^3 - 5x^2 + 7x-1)/(x - 1)

yes, I know

I assumed from your setup that the divisor was x-1
My previous reply stands.
check by finding f(1), you will get 3, not -1

2x^3+7x^2-53x-28; 2x-1

To use synthetic division to find the answer to the given equation (2x^3 - 5x^2 + 7x - 1), follow these steps:

1. Write down the coefficients of the polynomial equation in descending order of their exponents, filling in any missing terms with zero coefficients. In this case, the polynomial is: 2x^3 - 5x^2 + 7x - 1.

2. Determine the root of the equation. In this case, we need to find a value for x such that when substituted into the original equation, the result is zero. The root can be found by assuming x = 1.

3. Set up the synthetic division table. Start by writing the assumed root (in this case, 1) as the divisor outside the division bar. Write down the coefficients of the polynomial inside the division bar.

4. Perform synthetic division. Start by bringing down the coefficient at the highest exponent, 2. Multiply the divisor (1) by 2 and write the result under the next coefficient, -5. Add these two values (-5 + 2 = -3), and write the result underneath. Multiply the divisor (1) by -3 and write the result under the next coefficient, 7. Add these two values (7 + (-3) = 4), and write the result underneath. Finally, multiply the divisor (1) by 4 and write the result under the constant term, -1. Add these two values (-1 + 4 = 3), and write the result underneath.

5. Interpret the result. The final row of the synthetic division table (2 - 3 4|-1) represents the coefficients of the quotient polynomial. The answer is 2x^2 - 3x + 4.