Once again please give me about 2 websites where i can find out interesting facts about Venus. 2 websites where i can find out if any robots or satellites landed on Venus.2 websites were I can find the average temperature of Venus. Lastly 2 websites where I can find out how long it takes for Venus to have one revelution(1 year). Please put in this post. thank you.




Certainly! Here are two websites where you can find interesting facts about Venus:

1. NASA's Venus Exploration page: Visit the NASA website and navigate to their Venus Exploration section. Here, you will find detailed information about various missions, discoveries, and interesting facts about Venus. The website also includes images and scientific data related to Venus. You can access it at: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/venus/overview/

2. National Geographic's Venus page: National Geographic provides an overview of Venus, including interesting facts, exploration history, and details about its atmosphere and geological features. You can find this information on their website at: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-system/venus/

For websites that provide information about robots or satellites landing on Venus, you can try the following:

1. NASA's Venus Exploration page (mentioned above): This website not only offers interesting facts about Venus but also provides information about robotic missions that have successfully landed or studied Venus.

2. The Planetary Society's Venus Exploration page: The Planetary Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to space exploration. They provide a comprehensive range of information on Venus, including robot and satellite missions. You can access this information at: https://www.planetary.org/worlds/venus/

When it comes to finding the average temperature of Venus, you may want to visit the following websites:

1. NASA's Venus Exploration page (mentioned above): NASA's website often includes data related to Venus, including average temperature. Explore the Venus section on their website to find this information.

2. Space.com's Venus page: Space.com is an online space news and information platform. They feature an overview of Venus that includes average temperature details. Visit their Venus page at: https://www.space.com/44-venus-second-planet-from-the-sun-brightest-planet.html

Lastly, here are two websites where you can find out how long it takes for Venus to have one revolution (1 year):

1. Time and Date's Venus page: Time and Date is a website that provides extensive information related to dates, time zones, and astronomical data. They offer a section dedicated to Venus where you can find details on its orbital period. Check it out at: https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/venus/

2. Sea and Sky's Venus page: Sea and Sky is an educational website that covers various aspects of astronomy. They have a specific section on Venus that includes its orbital period. Visit their webpage on Venus at: https://www.seasky.org/solar-system/venus.html

I hope you find these websites helpful for gathering information about Venus!