Please give me about 2 websites where i can find out interesting facts about Venus. 2 websites where i can find out if any robots or satellites landed on Venus.2 websites were I can find the average temperature of Venus. Lastly 2 websites where I can find out how long it takes for Venus to have one revelution(1 year). Please put in this post. thank you.

Sure! Here are the websites you can use to find the information you're looking for:

1. Websites with interesting facts about Venus:
- NASA's Solar System Exploration: Venus ( This website provides a wide range of information about Venus, including its composition, atmosphere, and interesting facts.
- BBC Science Focus - Venus: 10 interesting facts about the hottest planet ( This website offers an article with ten fascinating facts about Venus, highlighting its unique characteristics.

2. Websites with information about robots or satellites landing on Venus:
- NASA's Solar System Exploration: Missions to Venus ( This NASA webpage provides a comprehensive list and details of the various missions that have been sent to explore Venus.
- European Space Agency (ESA) - Venus Express ( This ESA webpage specifically focuses on the Venus Express mission, which successfully orbited Venus between 2006 and 2014.

3. Websites to find the average temperature of Venus:
- NASA's Solar System Exploration: Venus ( This website includes information on Venus' average temperature within its overview section.
- - Venus: Temperature, Atmosphere & Facts ( This article provides insights into Venus' average temperature, atmospheric conditions, and general facts about the planet.

4. Websites to find out how long it takes for Venus to have one revolution (1 year):
- NASA's Solar System Exploration: Venus ( This page includes information on the orbital period (revolution) of Venus within its overview section.
- Time and Date - Venus: Facts and Figures ( This website offers various details about Venus, including its revolution period.

Remember to explore these websites thoroughly to find the specific information you seek. Happy researching!