Name one feed and feeding system in pig rearing.

One common feed and feeding system in pig rearing is the "ad libitum feeding" system.

Now, let me explain what ad libitum feeding means and how it works. Ad libitum feeding refers to a feeding method where pigs are provided with constant access to feed, allowing them to eat as much as they want, whenever they want. This system is also known as "free-choice feeding" or "self-feeding."

To implement ad libitum feeding, you need to follow these steps:

1. Provide a constant supply of fresh feed: Set up a feeding trough or self-feeder that allows pigs to access the feed at all times. The trough should be designed in a way that prevents wastage and contamination.

2. Choose appropriate feed: Use a balanced and nutritionally complete feed that meets the specific requirements of the pigs at different growth stages. Consult with a veterinarian or animal nutritionist to determine the ideal feed composition.

3. Monitor feed consumption: Regularly check the amount of feed consumed by the pigs to ensure they are getting enough nutrition. This can be done by measuring the weight of the feed provided and comparing it to the remaining feed in the trough.

4. Adjust feed quantity: If you notice that pigs are not consuming enough feed, you may need to increase the amount offered. Conversely, if they are consuming too much and becoming overweight, you can reduce the feed quantity.

5. Manage feed quality: Proper storage and handling of feed are crucial to maintaining its quality. Make sure that the feed is stored in a cool, dry place, protected from pests and other contaminants.

Ad libitum feeding has several advantages, such as reducing stress, improving growth rates, and enabling pigs to meet their individual nutritional requirements. However, it's important to closely monitor the feed consumption to prevent overeating and obesity in pigs.