What kinds of people sailed to the New World in the 1400s?




To find out what kinds of people sailed to the New World in the 1400s, we can look into historical records and accounts from that time period.

1. Explorers and Navigators: Prominent figures like Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and Amerigo Vespucci led expeditions to the New World during the 1400s. These individuals were skilled sailors and navigators who sought new trade routes and expanded geographical knowledge.

2. Conquistadors: The Spanish conquistadors were adventurous individuals who explored and conquered the lands of the Americas. Figures like Hernán Cortés and Francisco Pizarro led expeditions in search of wealth and power, aiming to claim new territories for Spain.

3. Settlers and Colonists: Some individuals migrated to the New World in search of better opportunities, religious freedom, or new beginnings. These settlers established colonies and communities, such as the English pilgrims who settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

4. Sailors and Crew Members: The actual voyages to the New World required experienced sailors and crew members. These included sailors, navigators, carpenters, physicians, and other professionals necessary for the success of the journeys.

It's important to note that the people who sailed in the 1400s to the New World differed in motivations, backgrounds, and nationalities. The desire for wealth, opportunities, and adventure played significant roles in attracting people from various walks of life to venture across the ocean.