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Calculate typing speeds of 45 words per minute, and make a reasonable estimate of how long it will take you to do that 1000 lines a day. We will assume a 65 character line = 13 words (assumption of 5-character words). Assuming you earn 6 cents a line, what do the different rates of typing speed do to your hourly wage?

To calculate the typing speeds, we'll start with the given information that the person types at a speed of 45 words per minute.

Typing speed is typically measured in words per minute (WPM), which refers to the number of words a person can type in one minute.

To convert the typing speed to words per hour, we can use the fact that there are 60 minutes in an hour. Therefore, the typing speed in words per hour would be:

45 words/min x 60 minutes = 2,700 words/hour.

Next, we need to estimate how long it will take to type 1000 lines, assuming each line is 65 characters long and contains 13 words (assuming 5-character words).

To find the number of words in 1000 lines, we multiply the number of lines by the number of words per line:
1000 lines x 13 words/line = 13,000 words.

To determine how long it will take to type 13,000 words at a speed of 2,700 words/hour, we divide the number of words by the typing speed:
13,000 words ÷ 2,700 words/hour = 4.81 hours (rounded to 2 decimal places).

Now, let's calculate how the different rates of typing speed affect the hourly wage, assuming an earning of 6 cents per line.

First, we need to find the number of lines typed per hour for each typing speed:
- For a typing speed of 45 WPM (2,700 words/hour): 2,700 words/hour ÷ 13 words/line = 207.69 lines/hour (rounded to 2 decimal places).

Next, we can calculate the hourly wage for each typing speed:
- For a typing speed of 45 WPM: 207.69 lines/hour x 6 cents/line = $12.46/hour (rounded to 2 decimal places).

Therefore, the different rates of typing speed have the following effects on the hourly wage:
- A typing speed of 45 WPM would result in an hourly wage of $12.46.

Please note that these calculations are based on the given assumptions and can vary depending on individual typing habits and variations in the number of characters per line or words per line.