The distance between two numbers on a number line is 6 units. One number is 5. What are the possibilities for the other numbers.

A. -1 and 11
B. 0 and 5
C. 0 and 10
D. 5 and 11
Is the answer d

draw a number line.

label it from -15 to + 15
place your pencil on the 5,
from the 5 count 6 units to the right. Where are you?
from the 5 count 6 units to the left. Where are you?

I'm on 0 first ans second i'm on 10

-1 and 11

To find the possibilities for the other number, we can start by identifying the given number and the distance between the two numbers. In this case, the given number is 5, and the distance between the two numbers is 6 units.

We can then determine the possibilities by adding and subtracting the distance from the given number. Adding 6 units to 5 gives us 11, while subtracting 6 units from 5 gives us -1.

Therefore, the possibilities for the other number are -1 and 11.

Hence, the answer is A, not D.