candidates for president are not usually drawn to the office because of salary. why do you think these people run for the office?

Power and prestige

What do you think?

im not sure im asking for help

I said candidates for presidents run for office to make meaningful change and for power

Candidates for president often have various motivations for seeking the office, and while salary may not be the primary driving factor, there are several other reasons why people run for president:

1. Power and Influence: The presidency represents the highest position of power and influence in a country. Many individuals are drawn to the opportunity to shape national policies, make important decisions, and have a significant impact on the country's future.

2. Public Service and Sense of Duty: Some individuals run for president out of a genuine desire to serve their country and make a positive difference. They may have a strong sense of duty and feel a responsibility to contribute to the betterment of society.

3. Ideological Beliefs and Policy Goals: Presidential candidates often have strong ideological beliefs or policy goals that they want to promote. By running for president, they can advocate for their ideas, rally support, and potentially implement their proposed policies if elected.

4. Ambition and Legacy: Running for president allows individuals to leave a lasting impact on the nation's history and be remembered for their contributions. Many candidates have ambitions to establish a legacy or leave a mark on the political landscape.

5. Public Recognition and Prestige: The presidency is a highly prestigious position, and some individuals are attracted to the status, recognition, and respect that comes with holding the highest office in the land.

6. Desire for Change: Candidates may run for president because they believe they can bring about meaningful change and address pressing issues facing the country. They may see themselves as the best option to tackle these challenges and improve the lives of the citizens.

7. Personal and Political Ambitions: Some individuals may run for president as part of their broader political ambitions. They may see it as a stepping stone to further career advancements, such as higher public office or influential positions within the government or private sector.

It's important to note that these motivations can vary significantly from candidate to candidate, and often a combination of multiple factors drives someone to run for the presidency.