Formula: a = b = c

The formula you mentioned, "a = b = c," is not a mathematical equation but rather an assignment statement often used in programming languages such as Python or JavaScript to assign values to variables.

In this case, the value of variable c would be assigned to variable b, and then the value of variable b would be assigned to variable a. This means all three variables would have the same value.

To understand this better, let's consider an example in Python:

c = 5
b = c # Assigning the value of c (5) to b
a = b # Assigning the value of b (5) to a

print(a, b, c) # Output: 5 5 5

In the above example, the value of c is 5. When we assign the value of c to b using the "=" operator, b also becomes 5. Then, when we assign the value of b to a, a becomes 5 as well. So, all three variables have the same value.

It's important to note that this assignment statement does not represent a mathematical equation where you solve for the values of variables a, b, and c. It simply assigns the value of one variable to another.