a basketball team wins 77 games but had lost 63 games. haw do you find percent of of game won?

77 + 63 = 140

77/140 = 0.55 = 55% won

To find the percentage of games won, you need to calculate the ratio of the number of games won to the total number of games played. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Add the number of games won and the number of games lost to find the total number of games played.
Total games played = Number of games won + Number of games lost
Total games played = 77 + 63
Total games played = 140

Step 2: Calculate the ratio of the number of games won to the total number of games played.
Ratio = Number of games won / Total games played
Ratio = 77 / 140

Step 3: Convert the ratio to a percentage by multiplying it by 100.
Percentage of games won = Ratio * 100
Percentage of games won = (77 / 140) * 100
Percentage of games won ≈ 55.00%

Therefore, the basketball team won approximately 55.00% of its games.