consider the line equation y+5=11-x. which of the following points lie on this line?

(more then one answer.)

A. (5,1)
B. (0,0)
C. (5,11)
D. (11,-5)
E. (11,5)


rewrite it as

x + y = 6

now for which ordered pair is the sum of the numbers equal to 6 ???

would it be a and d?


B and c

To determine which points lie on the line, we need to substitute the x and y coordinates of each point into the equation and check if the equation is satisfied.

The given line equation is y + 5 = 11 - x.

Let's check each point one by one:

A. (5,1)
Substituting x = 5 and y = 1 into the equation:
1 + 5 = 11 - 5
6 = 6
Since both sides of the equation are equal, point (5,1) lies on the line.

B. (0,0)
Substituting x = 0 and y = 0 into the equation:
0 + 5 = 11 - 0
5 = 11
Since the equation is not satisfied (5 ≠ 11), point (0,0) does not lie on the line.

C. (5,11)
Substituting x = 5 and y = 11 into the equation:
11 + 5 = 11 - 5
16 = 6
Since the equation is not satisfied (16 ≠ 6), point (5,11) does not lie on the line.

D. (11,-5)
Substituting x = 11 and y = -5 into the equation:
-5 + 5 = 11 - 11
0 = 0
Since both sides of the equation are equal, point (11,-5) lies on the line.

E. (11,5)
Substituting x = 11 and y = 5 into the equation:
5 + 5 = 11 - 11
10 = 0
Since the equation is not satisfied (10 ≠ 0), point (11,5) does not lie on the line.

Therefore, the points that lie on the line are:
A. (5,1)
D. (11,-5)