spanish words to talk about names

so far I got... comom te llamas and me llamo

is there a website that list all spanish words to talk about names

I just need two more

please help!

¿Cómo te llamas? = literally means How are you called? Or What's your name? (Most common)

¿Cuál es tu nombre? = What is your name?

Me llamo Samantha = I am Samantha
Yo soy Samantha = I am Samantha
Mi nombre es Samantha = My name is Samantha

You can also go to spanish dictionary

To expand your vocabulary on talking about names in Spanish, here are two additional phrases:

1. "¿Cómo se llama usted?" - This is a formal way to ask someone their name. It can be used when speaking to an unfamiliar person or in a more professional context. The word "usted" is the formal version of "you."

2. "Mi nombre es..." - Another way to introduce yourself, which translates to "My name is..." It is a straightforward and common phrase used to share your name with others.

Regarding your question on finding a website with a list of Spanish words related to names, there are multiple online resources available. One such option is On this website, you can find not only translations but also examples and forum discussions related to specific words and phrases. Other online dictionaries, such as and Google Translate, may also be helpful in expanding your vocabulary on names in Spanish.

Remember that it's important to learn and practice how to use words in context, rather than just memorizing a list. This will help you develop a better understanding of how to communicate effectively in Spanish.