Name a number that can be evenly divided by 6 and 7


42 is evenly divisible by both 6 and 7

name a number that can be evenly divided by 6 and 7


To find a number that can be evenly divided by both 6 and 7, we need to determine the least common multiple (LCM) of these two numbers.

Step 1: Prime Factorization
Let's start by finding the prime factors of both 6 and 7:
- Prime factors of 6: 2 x 3
- Prime factors of 7: 7

Step 2: LCM Calculation
To calculate the LCM, we need to take the highest power of each prime factor that appears in the prime factorization of either number.

- Highest power of 2: 2^1
- Highest power of 3: 3^1
- Highest power of 7: 7^1

Now, multiply these powers together: LCM = 2^1 x 3^1 x 7^1

Simplifying the expression, we get: LCM = 2 x 3 x 7 = 42.

Therefore, the least common multiple (LCM) of 6 and 7 is 42. Thus, any multiple of 42, like 42, 84, 126, etc., can be evenly divided by both 6 and 7.

Name a number that can be divided by 6 and by 7

42, 84, 126