a barrel contains 163 gallons of water and is being drained at a constant rate of gallons per hour write an equation that models the number of gallons g after t hours

You omitted the units for the rate of drawing,

Anyway, drwls answered the "same" question here


Just make the necessary changes.

Math function

To write an equation that models the number of gallons (g) in the barrel after a certain number of hours (t), we need to consider the constant rate at which the water is being drained.

Let's denote the rate at which the water is being drained as "r gallons per hour." According to the problem, this rate is constant.

The initial number of gallons in the barrel is given as 163 gallons. As time progresses, the water will be drained, decreasing the number of gallons in the barrel.

Since the rate of drainage is constant, the equation can be represented as follows:

g = 163 - rt

In this equation:
- "g" represents the number of gallons in the barrel after t hours.
- "163" is the initial number of gallons in the barrel.
- "r" represents the rate of drainage in gallons per hour.
- "t" represents the number of hours that passed.

By plugging in values for "r" and "t," you can calculate the number of gallons remaining in the barrel at any given time.