The difference between transhumance and nomadic pastoralism is: (Points : 1)

in transhumance people grow food and in nomadic pastoralism any domesticated plant food is acquired through trade.
different types of animals are herded.
in transhumance women do the dairying and in nomadic pastoralism men perform the dairying activities.
land is owned communally in transhumance but individually in nomadic pastoralism.


The correct answer is: different types of animals are herded.

The correct answer is: different types of animals are herded.

To determine the difference between transhumance and nomadic pastoralism, we need to understand the basic concepts of each term.

Transhumance refers to the regular seasonal movement of people and their livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures. In transhumance, people move their animals to different grazing areas according to the changing seasons. This is typically practiced in areas with a distinct seasonal climate, such as highland regions.

Nomadic pastoralism, on the other hand, involves the constant movement of people and their livestock in search of grazing lands. Nomadic pastoralists continuously travel from one place to another with their animals in order to find fresh pasture and water sources. This lifestyle is usually followed in regions where there is limited availability of natural resources, such as arid and semi-arid lands.

Now, among the options given, the correct answer is that different types of animals are herded. In transhumance, people typically herd the same type of animals throughout the year, but they move them between different grazing areas depending on the season. In contrast, in nomadic pastoralism, people often herd different types of animals for various purposes, such as sheep for wool, goats for milk, and camels for transportation. They continuously move these animals to find suitable grazing lands.

Therefore, the main difference between transhumance and nomadic pastoralism lies in the types of animals herded and the movement patterns associated with each practice.