average attendance at a school's basketball games increased from 1000 to 1500 last year. One student said that represented a 150% increase. Explai the student's error. What was the actual percent increase?

1500 is 150% as much as 1000, but that's only 500 more than 1000. The 500 more represents 500/1000 = 50% increase.

To explain the student's error, we need to understand the concept of percentage increase. The student incorrectly calculated the percentage increase by comparing the difference between the two values (1500-1000=500) to the initial value (1000).

The student's calculation: (500 / 1000) * 100% = 50%

According to the student's calculation, they claim that the average attendance increased by 150%, which is incorrect.

To calculate the actual percentage increase, we need to divide the difference between the new value (1500) and the initial value (1000) by the initial value (1000), and then multiply the result by 100% to express it as a percentage.

Actual calculation: ((1500 - 1000) / 1000) * 100% = (500 / 1000) * 100% = 50%

The actual percentage increase is 50%, not 150% as the student mistakenly assumed.