You and a friend each drive 63 km to the

same destination. You travel at 88.7 km/h
and your friend at 96 km/h.
How long will your friend wait for you at
the end of the trip?
Answer in units of min

convert to minutes (1h/60min)


To find out how long your friend will wait for you at the end of the trip, we first need to calculate the travel time for both you and your friend.

For you, the travel time can be calculated using the formula:
Travel time = Distance / Speed

Given that you traveled a distance of 63 km at a speed of 88.7 km/h:
Your travel time = 63 km / 88.7 km/h

Similarly, for your friend, the travel time can be calculated as:
Friend's travel time = 63 km / 96 km/h

Now that we have the travel times for both of you, we can find the waiting time by taking the difference between the two travel times. Since your friend arrives earlier, the waiting time would be:
Waiting time = Friend's travel time - Your travel time

To convert the waiting time to minutes, we can multiply it by 60 since there are 60 minutes in an hour.

Let's calculate the waiting time:

Your travel time = 63 km / 88.7 km/h
Friend's travel time = 63 km / 96 km/h
Waiting time = (Friend's travel time - Your travel time) * 60 minutes

Calculating the values:

Your travel time = 63 km / 88.7 km/h = 0.7105 hours
Friend's travel time = 63 km / 96 km/h = 0.65625 hours

Waiting time = (0.65625 - 0.7105) * 60 minutes
= (-0.05425) * 60 minutes
≈ -3.255 minutes

It appears that your friend will not have to wait for you. In fact, you would arrive earlier.