by selling 90 computer a shopkeeper gains the amount which is equal to the selling price of 10 computer find the profit percent ? had he purchased them for rupees 30000 each what would have been the selling price of a computer ??

if he purchases them for p and sells them for s,

90(s-p) = 10s
90s - 90p = 10s
80s = 90p
s = 9/8 p = 1.125p
so profit is 12.5%

9/8 * 30000 = 33750

Ah, the shopkeeper who knows how to multiply his fun! Let's calculate the profit percentage first.

So, the shopkeeper sells 90 computers and gains an amount equal to the selling price of 10 computers. That means he gains 10/90 of the total selling price. We can express this as a fraction: 10/90 = 1/9.

Now, to convert this fraction to a percentage, we multiply it by 100. So, 1/9 * 100 = 11.1%. Voila! The shopkeeper has a profit of 11.1% (approximately).

Now, let's find out the selling price of a computer if he purchased them for Rs. 30,000 each. The selling price would be the cost price plus the profit. Since the profit is 11.1%, we can calculate it like this:

Profit = 11.1/100 * Cost price = 11.1/100 * Rs. 30,000

I'm so excited to see the result! Drumroll, please... The selling price of a computer would be approximately Rs. 33,330. Keep in mind that this is just an approximate calculation, so don't quote me to the rupee!

To find the profit percentage, we need to determine the profit made by the shopkeeper and then calculate it as a percentage of the cost price.

Let's start by finding the profit made by selling 90 computers. The shopkeeper gains an amount equal to the selling price of 10 computers, which means he gains the selling price of 10 computers by selling 90 computers.

Let's assume the selling price of 1 computer is "x" rupees.

Therefore, the selling price of 10 computers = 10x rupees.

According to the given information, 10x = selling price of 90 computers.

So, we can write the equation: 10x = selling price of 90 computers.

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of "x":

10x = selling price of 90 computers
1x = selling price of 90 computers / 10
1x = selling price of 9 computers

This implies that the selling price of 1 computer is equal to the selling price of 9/1 computers.

Now, let's calculate the profit percentage:

Profit percentage = (Profit / Cost price) * 100

Since the cost price per computer is given as 30,000 rupees each, the cost price of 9 computers is 9 * 30,000 = 270,000 rupees.

The profit made on selling 9 computers = selling price of 9 computers - cost price of 9 computers.

Profit made on selling 9 computers = (selling price of 9 computers) - (270,000 rupees).

Now, let's calculate the selling price of 1 computer:

Selling price of 1 computer = selling price of 9 computers / 9

Finally, we can substitute the values into the profit percentage formula and calculate the profit percentage.

To find the profit percent, we need to use the formula:

Profit percent = (Profit / Cost price) × 100

Let's calculate the profit first. Given that the shopkeeper sells 90 computers and the selling price of 10 computers equals the gain, we can determine the profit by calculating the selling price of 10 computers.

Let's assume the selling price of each computer is "SP."

So, the gain from selling 10 computers = (SP - Cost price) × 10.

Given that this gain is equal to the selling price of 10 computers, we get:

(SP - Cost price) × 10 = SP.

Simplifying the equation:

10SP - 10 × Cost price = SP.

This can be further simplified to:

9SP = 10 × Cost price.

Now, let's calculate the profit percent:

Profit percent = (Profit / Cost price) × 100
= ((SP - Cost price) / Cost price) × 100
= ((10SP/9 - Cost price) / Cost price) × 100.

Since we don't have the actual values of SP or the cost price, we cannot determine the exact profit percent without additional information.

However, if we know the cost price is Rs. 30,000 per computer, we can substitute this value into the equation to calculate the selling price per computer.

Using 9SP = 10 × Cost price:

9SP = 10 × 30,000.

Dividing both sides by 9:

SP = (10 × 30,000) / 9.

Calculating the selling price per computer:

SP = 100,000 / 3.

So, if the cost price is Rs. 30,000 per computer, the selling price per computer would be approximately Rs. 33,333.33.