Why is public order necessary? Do we have enough public order or too little? How can we tell? What might a large, complex society such as ours be like without laws and without a system of criminal justice? Would you want to live in such a society? Why or why not?

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Public order is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures the safety and well-being of individuals within a society. It prevents acts of violence, crime, and disorderly conduct that could harm people and property. Public order also fosters a sense of trust and stability among citizens, promoting social harmony and cooperation. Additionally, it provides a framework for resolving conflicts, enforcing laws, and protecting individual rights.

Determining whether we have enough public order or too little can be subjective and context-dependent. It involves assessing various factors such as crime rates, levels of social unrest, public safety measures, and citizens' perception of security. Different societies may have different standards of public order based on their cultural, social, and political contexts.

To evaluate the level of public order, one can consider statistical data on crime rates, including both violent and property crimes. Monitoring public perception through surveys and studies can also provide insight into people's feelings of safety and security. Additionally, observing indicators such as the presence of law enforcement, the effectiveness of legal institutions, and the overall stability of the society can be helpful.

Without laws and a system of criminal justice, a large, complex society would likely be characterized by chaos, uncertainty, and a breakdown of social order. In the absence of laws, there would be no clear guidelines or consequences for people's actions. This could lead to a proliferation of crime, vigilantism, and a lack of protection for individual rights. Disputes and conflicts would likely escalate, as there would be no formal mechanisms for resolving them. Society may become fragmented and divided, as people resort to self-interest and survival instincts.

Living in such a society would be highly undesirable for most people. The absence of laws and a criminal justice system would pose significant risks to personal safety and security. The lack of order and the uncertainty of outcomes would undermine trust, cooperation, and social cohesion. Essential services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure would likely suffer. Ultimately, a society without public order and a system of justice would be unsustainable and prone to widespread suffering and injustice.