what do thet mean when they say

Job Openings: large number and very small number

A stable outlook means that the "experts" believe the same number of jobs will be available in that field in the near future. If the outlook is increasing, we'll have more jobs in this field.

I assume that a large number of job openings mean that there are many more jobs than people to fill them.


You're welcome.

When someone says "Outlook: stable, increasing," it means that the overall situation or prospects are expected to remain steady and are likely to improve in the future. This could refer to various aspects such as the economy, a particular industry, or a specific company.

To understand this better, you can look at various indicators or sources such as economic reports, industry analysis from reputable sources, or company performance reports. These sources usually provide information about the current state of affairs and predictions for the future. By studying and analyzing these reports, you can form an understanding of the stability and potential growth in the outlook.

Regarding "Job Openings: large number and very small number," it implies that there are both ample opportunities as well as limited opportunities available for employment. This statement suggests that in certain sectors or industries, job openings are abundant, whereas in other sectors, job openings are scarce.

To ascertain the job market situation accurately, you can explore various resources like online job portals, government labor market reports, or professional networking platforms. These platforms often provide job vacancy data, labor market statistics, and employment trends. By exploring these resources, you can gain insights into the availability of job openings and make informed decisions about your career prospects.