write equilibrium constant expression for each reaction.

a) The oxidation of ammonia with CIF3 in a rocket motor NH3(g) + CIF(g)-><-3HF(g) + 1/2N2 + 1/2Cl(g)
b.) The simultaneous oxidation and reduction of a chlorite ion. 3Cl-2(aq)-><-2ClO-3(aq) + Cl-(aq)
c.) IO-3(aq) + 6OH-(aq) +Cl2(aq)-><-IO5-6(aq) +3H2O(i)

Equilibrium expressions are fundamental to chemistry and you need to know how to do them. I'll explain what you don't understand about the process. What are you having trouble. Basically its products over reactants with coefficients becoming exponents.

I think you need to check your post for typos. I see two or three and first glance.

a.) The simultaneous oxidation and reduction of a chlorite ion 3ClO-2(aq)-><-2ClO-3(aq) + Cl-(aq.

b.) IO-3(aq) + 6OH-(aq) + Cl(aq)-><-IO-5,6(aq) + 3H2O(i).

To write the equilibrium constant expression for each reaction, we need to use the following general format:

aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD

The equilibrium constant expression (Keq) is given by:

Keq = [C]^c[D]^d / [A]^a[B]^b

Now, let's write the equilibrium constant expressions for the given reactions:

a) The oxidation of ammonia with CIF3 in a rocket motor:
NH3(g) + ClF(g) ⇌ 3HF(g) + 1/2N2 + 1/2Cl(g)

Keq = [HF]^3 * [N2]^0.5 * [Cl]^0.5 / [NH3] * [ClF]

b) The simultaneous oxidation and reduction of a chlorite ion:
3Cl-2(aq) ⇌ 2ClO-3(aq) + Cl-(aq)

Keq = [ClO-3]^2 * [Cl-]^1 / [Cl-2]^3

c) IO-3(aq) + 6OH-(aq) + Cl2(aq) ⇌ IO5-6(aq) + 3H2O(i)

Keq = [IO5-6] * [H2O]^3 / [IO-3] * [OH-]^6 * [Cl2]

Please note that the exponents in the equilibrium constant expression are determined by the stoichiometric coefficients of the respective reactants and products in the balanced chemical equation.