what number is increased by 3 when it is rounded to the nearest ten thousand or to the nearest thousand


or, any larger number ending in 9997

convert 5/8 to a decimal

Four number is increased

a number is increased by 3 when it is rounded to the nearest ten or to the nearest ten thousand. what could the number be?



A number is increased by 3 when it is rounded to the nearest ten thousand or to the nearest thousand. What could the number be?

To find the number that is increased by 3 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand or to the nearest thousand, we need to understand how rounding works.

When rounding to the nearest ten thousand, we consider the digit in the ten thousand's place. If the digit in the ten thousand's place is less than 5, we round down. If it is 5 or greater, we round up. Rounding up means increasing the digit in the ten thousand's place by 1.

When rounding to the nearest thousand, we consider the digit in the thousands place. Again, if the digit in the thousands place is less than 5, we round down, and if it is 5 or greater, we round up.

Let's consider a variable "x" as the number we want to find. We can set up two cases based on which rounding operation results in an increase of 3:

Case 1: Rounding to the nearest ten thousand increases the number by 3.
In this case, we want to check if rounding "x" to the nearest ten thousand results in an increase. To increase by 3 when rounding to the nearest ten thousand, the digit in the thousands, hundreds, and tens places must be less than 5, and the digit in the ten thousand's place must be between 5 and 9.

For example, if "x" is 28,000, rounding it to the nearest ten thousand gives us 30,000 which is an increase of 2, not 3.

Let's try another number: 35,000. Rounding it to the nearest ten thousand gives us 40,000, which is an increase of 5, not 3.

Therefore, there is no whole number greater than 10,000 that increases by 3 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand.

Case 2: Rounding to the nearest thousand increases the number by 3.
In this case, we want to check if rounding "x" to the nearest thousand results in an increase. To increase by 3 when rounding to the nearest thousand, the digit in the hundreds and tens places must be less than 5, and the digit in the thousands place must be between 5 and 9.

For example, if "x" is 4,500, rounding it to the nearest thousand gives us 5,000 which is an increase of 500, not 3.

Let's try another number: 8,900. Rounding it to the nearest thousand gives us 9,000, which is an increase of 100, not 3.

Therefore, there is no whole number greater than 1,000 that increases by 3 when rounded to the nearest thousand.

After considering both cases, we conclude that there is no whole number that increases by 3 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand or to the nearest thousand.