Once order had been restored the leaders of the opposition called for the (revocation keepsake) of martial law


At times it is quite natural to feel afraid and it is certainly no (discredit mortal) to anyone to admit it

While the actors were busy rehearsing the manager ran away with all the money and left them (stranded plighted) in a strange town

Yay! All right.

By reelecting him to Congress the court of public opinion has forever (generated acquitted) him of the charges of neglecting his duties


Father often says that he has never stopped (repenting devastating) the decision he made many years ago to give up the study of medicine


To understand the meaning of the words "revocation," "discredit," and "stranded," you can break them down into smaller parts and analyze them.

1. Revocation:
- "Revo-" comes from the Latin word "revocare," which means "to call back" or "to revoke."
- "-Cation" is a suffix that denotes an action or process.

Putting these parts together, "revocation" refers to the act or process of calling back or revoking something, typically a law or order.

2. Discredit:
- "Dis-" is a prefix that means "not" or "opposite of."
- "Credit" refers to belief, trust, or reputation.

Combining these parts, "discredit" means to cast doubt on someone's belief, trust, or reputation, or to make something seem less reliable or trustworthy.

3. Stranded:
- "Strand" refers to a shore or a narrow strip of land.
- "-Ed" is a suffix used to form the past tense of a verb.

When you put these parts together, "stranded" means to be left in a difficult, helpless, or isolated situation, often without a means of transportation or assistance, as if left on a narrow strip of land or a shore.

In the given sentences:
- "Revocation of martial law" refers to the leaders of the opposition calling for the cancellation or lifting of martial law after order was restored.
- "No discredit to anyone" means that admitting fear is not something that reduces one's value or reputation.
- "Left them stranded in a strange town" describes the situation where the actors were abandoned without any means of support or assistance in an unfamiliar place.